The Pain To Brain Practitioner Workshop (Brain Based Practitioner Certification Workshop)
The Brain Based Protocol That Is Helping Docs Make More of An Impact!
(12 CE's Included for participating states...more information below)
2025 Workshop Locations
APRIL 25-27TH 2025
Friday 1-5 pm
Saturday 8 am-5 pm
Sunday 9 am-noon (Specialized session ONLY for docs who own the NeuroInfiniti)
CE's are available in states that "accept PACE", you can find out if your state does here.
We also have LIFE CE Approval for FL, MI, CO & GA
If you are from a state that doesn't have current CE approval email tina at [email protected] to see if she is able to get CE's approved through your state.
In The Live 12-Hour Hands On Workshop You Will Learn:
PLEASE NOTE: The hands on live portion will provide 12 hours of CE's for those who have a degree of Doctor of Chiropractic. Students and staff members are welcome to attend but no credit will be given to students or staff members.PACE Recognized Provider. One Chiropractic is recognized by the PACE program of the Federation of Chiropractic Licensing Boards. This workshop is sponsored by Brain Based Health Solutions. One Chiropractic is a:
1) An in-depth look at the science/research behind stress and its effect on brain function
2) An in-depth look at the science/research on how brain function changes physiologic function leading to over 90% of all diseases according to numerous experts and the NIH
3) How your care affects brain function
4) Why your care changes brain function
5) How various types of care change brain function in different ways
6) How to determine the best type of care for each individual patient based on their assessment
7) How to assess the brain and nervous system in a dynamic fashion
8) How to use the patient presentation to determine what areas of the brain are being affected and why
9) How to track the progress or lack of progress of the patient based on objective findings
10) How to develop the right type of care plan for each patient based on assessment findings.
11) The 4 types of brain and nervous patterns and how they were developed
12) How to perform 3 types of 10-12 minute brain based assessments ( both with and without instrumentation )
13) In addition be present for a real time patient assessment and care plan ( local resident brought in by one of our local docs) hx/consult, assessment, ROF, and care plan.
This presentation will be a lecture-style format with some hands on as part of the learning. The course will be conducted by Dr. Clint Steele, DC.
VIRTUAL PORTION: ( NO CE's included for this portion)
Once registered you will have immediate access to over 12 hours of recorded information and training as well as forms and more.
All doctors who finish the HANDS ON LIVE PORTION will receive a certificate of completion ready to be framed PLUS a door/window Certified Brain Based Chiropractic Window/Door sticker.
To learn more about this workshop schedule a FREE Discovery call with Dr. Clint Steele here.
Questions? Schedule a FREE Discovery call with Dr. Clint Steele, Co-Founder of Brain Based Health Solutions, HERE.
Get started now!
Your Instructor
Dr. Clint Steele started practice in 1993. His mission was to change the world's health for the better. Unfortunately he was met with a public that just wanted to cover up symptoms instead of actually dealing with and reversing the cause. Although he tried to change people's minds and get them to understand the TRUTH people still just wanted to cover up symptoms. So he dealt with it for 17 years.
Never really happy in practice, he "retired" never to return, or so he thought. He set out upon "retirement" to change the world in other ways. He set a goal of performing 1 million acts of kindness in 1 year. He ended up reaching 2.8 million acts of kindness and it was awesome BUT it did not make any money and so he found himself broke and needing to go back to work. Not wanting to go back into practice he started selling Kirby vacuum cleaners door to door. That lasted for about 3 months until he received a letter from his grandmother sharing how she was ashamed of him and how he should be ashamed of himself for not living to his potential.
That is when he decided to get back into practice but this time make sure patients got it, it being the TRUTH of disease and the TRUTH of health.
He began his practice focused on improving brain and nervous system function and his practice exploded. Starting with only $1000 to his name and in a 750 sq ft office space, with no advertising, no employees and 100% cash he went from 0 to 500 patient visits a week in 6 months.
More importantly however he was seeing amazings things happen including seeing things like IBS, Crohn's disease, anxiety, depression, diabetes, dementia and more all reverse!
It was then he was approached by several practitioners asking him to share what he was doing and so with his wife, Tina, they started a company to help educate the world and help practitioners SAVE MORE LIVES called TRUCHIRO called Brain Based Health Solutions!
It has now been over 10 years and Dr. Clint has helped hundreds of practice owners world wide transform their practices for the better. Not only from a business stand point but also from a patient health results stand point.