Neuro Synaptic Reset Technique 4-Hour Virtual Workshop RECORDING
At the foundation of your life ( health, finances, relationships and more) you have a belief. These beliefs around every thing in your life have been hard wired into your brain via a pathway I call the Neuro Synaptic Pathway. This pathway is in most cases subconscious and started when you were in your mom's womb. It then continues to cement itself in your neurology until the age of 7 at which point this pathway is set UNLESS you intentionally rewire it. The problem is because these believes are happening at a subcoscious level most people do not even know they exist. If they do know they exist most are unaware of how to change that pathway.
This is the POWER of the Neuro Synaptic Reset Technique. This technique when used properly, will not only make you aware of the subconscious pathway but once aware will help you completely reset the pathway leading to you living the life you have always wanted but could never make happen.