Brain Based Patient Education System

We do all the work for you in this patient education and retention program. FREE for 6 months as part of the Brain Based Practice Blueprint

Enroll for $347/Month

Ask yourself one question...How does Big Pharma have everyone believing that medication is the answer to their health care issues? The answer should come to you very quickly, THEY GET THEIR "TRUTH" INTO PEOPLE'S MINDS OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN! They do it through TV, radio, newspaper, magazine etc etc. It does not matter if their truth is the truth or not because they (big pharma) keep feeding it to people and because of that people buy into it and believe it.

When I started back in practice in 2014 and set out to build a lifetime wellness based practice I asked myself the question I just asked you. When the answer came to me I knew I had to do the same thing but with my TRUTH, the TRUTH of chiropractic. I could not compete via TV, radio etc with my TRUTH but I knew I could still get into the minds of my following. I did not have a billion dollar ad budget but I did have cell phone numbers, emails, social media, face to face contact and more. So I designed a system to not only educate my following on the TRUTH of chiropractic but also keep me top of mind at all times.

The rest is history. My practice went from 0 to 500 PVW in 6 months in a 700 sq ft office, 100% cash, $0 spent on advertising, and a start-up budget of $1000. Today I have a PVA of well over 150 and I have stopped accepting new patients because the patients that started with me 4,5 and 6 years ago are still getting their regular adjustments today...not because they have symptoms but because they know getting adjusted regularly is good for them!

The system worked so well for me that we had docs ask us if we could do it for them. Thus, the Brain Based Patient Education System.

Why Rely On Someone Who Does Not Know The TRUTH of Brain Based Care To Educate Your Patients and Community. We are not only experts when it comes to the TRUTH of brain based care but we have been doing this for over 6 years and we know what works and what doesn't!

We know how to get your following to consume what we deliver to SHIFT THEIR PARADIGM so they stay with you for LIFE!

In order to have something need to do something different.

Shift the paradigm that chiropractic is about so much more than just neck and low back pain not only in the minds of your current practice members but also the minds of the people in your community.

If you want to create a lifetime wellness-based practice you need to consistently educate your patients with the TRUTH of chiropractic when they are IN the office BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY when they are OUT of the office. Why? Because your patients spend more time out of your office than in.

This is exactly what I did in taking my pain-based, high-stress, high turnover, high overhead, low PVA, low-profit margin practice to a lifetime wellness-based, high PVA (100+), low stress, low overhead, high-profit margin, FUN, MORE IMPACTFUL practice!

And I did it by copying big pharma, by shifting the paradigm through a series of very successful, systematic, consistent, and persistent strategies.

Along with my wife Tina, we developed a system to consistently educate our patients with the TRUTH of chiropractic in variety of ways, and within 6 months I went from 0-500 Patient Visits a week and my PVA is now well over 100+ and I am no longer accepting new patients.

Brain Based Patient Education System

Our Brain Based Patient Education System is a game changer and the best part is, we do all the work for you!

Our Patient Education System includes:

  • 2 texts a week are sent to your following that appear as they are coming directly from YOU.
    • Patients LOVE these and we have a 95% open rate!
    • Monday's text is more inspirational in nature and is intended to start their week off right
    • Thursday's text is more educational, sharing information on brain based care.
    • Texts include videos, links to research, blogs we write and information that will help patients reduce their exposure to the 3 T's, trauma, toxins and thoughts.
      (this includes up to 500 numbers, we recommend texting only current active patients. if you need to add additional numbers it is 400 numbers for $50 per month)
  • A weekly email sent to your following that appears as though it's coming from YOU also includes information about:
    • A specific "table talk" topic that focuses on a condition or health issue chiropractic can help with OTHER than pain
    • Reducing one's exposure to the 3 T's.
  • Pre-made professionally designed handouts: that we provide that you can simply print on Monday and hand out to your patients when they come in for their adjustment that week. This handout will piggyback on the email content, text content and social media content.
  • We will provide you with talking points for your table talk topics during the week so each time your patient lies on the table you will be able to take 15-20 seconds to educate them on the TRUTH!

  • Professionally Developed Social Media Images: each week we will provide you with a social media image that is sure to grab the attention of your audience.
  • Daily Facebook posting on your practice business page (that we post for you) Monday through Friday.
    • Monday's post is a specific table talk topic (as mentioned above, focusing on something other than pain)
    • We then build on that topic throughout the week with other posts
    • FB posts include a live video we do on that particular topic, research, blogs, graphics and also information about reducing one's exposure to the 3 T's, trauma, toxins and thoughts.


You will also have direct access to Tina and I for any support you may need.

Included in this program is access to a private, members only, FB group where you can interact with us at anytime, ask questions and get the support you need to help take your practice to the next level.


Brain Based Patient Education System is a FRACTION of the cost it would be for you to hire someone to come in and do this for you. Your time is valuable, we want you to spend it adjusting and focused on your patients and let us take care of the education piece.

Educating your patients with the TRUTH of chiropractic on a consistent basis using texts, emails and FB posting is a game changer, and is not only going to help you create the practice of your dreams but help you bring in new patients who "get it" and finally get you off the new patient merry go round!

4 Pricing options

  • go month to month no contracts: $347 monthly
  • commit to a 12 month contract, pay monthly but save money: $297 monthly
  • Pay in full for 12 months and get 10% off: $3200
  • NEW! DIY option $50 a month you have access to our content but do all the work yourself!

(For those who do sign up month to month there is a $300 enrollment/on-boarding fee. This includes a 30 minute call with you or a team member, training for your team if necessary, plus all the back end work to get all emails and cell phone numbers set up in our system. We also ask for a 3 month minimum. We also have a 30 day notice policy)

PLEASE NOTE: The cost quoted above is for unlimited emails and up to 500 cell phone numbers. As our costs associated with texting are more expensive below is a breakdown of additional costs for more than 500 numbers:

Up to 750 Numbers - Extra $50/month

Up to 1000 Numbers - Extra $100/month

up to 1500 numbers - Extra $150/month

Sample Texts: (your name will appear where it says DRSTEELE)

(DRSTEELE) This 59 year old was told by her MD to set an alarm to remind herself to go to the bathroom. This is what she did instead.

(DRSTEELE) What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you BECOME by achieving your goals.

(DRSTEELE) It is not happy people who are grateful it is grateful people who are happy.

(DRSTEELE) A study of over 40K people showed those with the highest sugar intake were at 400 percent increase risk of a heart attack. Ask how we can help.

(DRSTEELE) Science shows gratitude helps depression by activating the happiness part of the brain. Chiropractic adjustments activate the same. Get adjusted.

(DRSTEELE) In a study of people suffering from IBS researchers found that chiropractic was more effective than medications. So much more than pain relief!

(DRSTEELE) A lion never loses sleep over the opinions of sheep. BE A LION!

(DRSTEELE) MRI study shows this amount of screen time daily slows brain development in toddlers. Learn what you can do here.

(DRSTEELE) Commonly prescribed medications now shown to increase risk of dementia by 50 percent. There is a better way. Ask us how.

Sample Facebook Posts:

Monday Table Talk Topic Post:

In honor of it February being American Heart Month, let's talk about heart health.

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States.

One person dies of heart disease every 30 seconds.

Someone has a heart attack every 40 seconds.

One in every four deaths is due to heart disease.

Heart disease costs the U.S. around $219 billion each and every year.

Lifestyle choices are a key risk factor for heart disease.


Research shows that chiropractic care can actually reduce high blood pressure and improve heart health.

In fact one study concluded that "regular chiropractic care has the effect of not one, but two blood pressure medications given in combination."

Read this weeks blog post to learn how chiropractic care can help keep your heart healthy and lower your risk for heart disease.

5 Heart Friendly Benefits of Chiropractic Care

Sample Emails:

Screen time linked to lower brain development in preschoolers

How chiropractic can help with digestive disorders

A better alternative to your child's ear infection

The sweet dangers of sugar

Diabetes and the false beliefs you are being told

Holiday stress and how chiropractic can help


"I just wanted to take some time out to write a testimonial for Dr. Clint and Tina Steele’s Truth of Chiropractic Automated Patient Retention System. This is an amazing program for someone looking to transition from a total pain based office to a total wellness based office. I am a doc who has no problem getting people into my doors. I average almost 100NP’s per month. However that means nothing when they leave just as fast as they come in. I would rather see 10NP a month and build some relationships along the way. After Implementing the strategies in this program my pva has definitely gone up. I feel like I am now making a difference in people’s lives. My energy and purpose has gone up 100%.

(Update: Dr, Ryan's PVA has gone from 10 when he started to well over 40 in 6 months and is growing)

Thanks Dr. Clint and Tina

- Dr. Ryan Weisgerber

"Not only is this service TRUCHIRO provides great, my patients love it, but I really feel like Dr. Clint & Tina about the chiropractors they are helping and to me that's huge!"

- Dr. Kimberly Griggs

Your Instructor

Dr. Clint Steele
Dr. Clint Steele

Dr. Clint Steele started practice in 1993. His mission was to change the world's health for the better. Unfortunately he was met with a public that just wanted to cover up symptoms instead of actually dealing with and reversing the cause. Although he tried to change people's minds and get them to understand the TRUTH people still just wanted to cover up symptoms. So he dealt with it for 17 years.

Never really happy in practice, he "retired" never to return, or so he thought. He set out upon "retirement" to change the world in other ways. He set a goal of performing 1 million acts of kindness in 1 year. He ended up reaching 2.8 million acts of kindness and it was awesome BUT it did not make any money and so he found himself broke and needing to go back to work. Not wanting to go back into practice he started selling Kirby vacuum cleaners door to door. That lasted for about 3 months until he received a letter from his grandmother sharing how she was ashamed of him and how he should be ashamed of himself for not living to his potential.

That is when he decided to get back into practice but this time make sure patients got it, it being the TRUTH of disease and the TRUTH of health.

He began his practice focused on improving brain and nervous system function and his practice exploded. Starting with only $1000 to his name and in a 750 sq ft office space, with no advertising, no employees and 100% cash he went from 0 to 500 patient visits a week in 6 months.

More importantly however he was seeing amazings things happen including seeing things like IBS, Crohn's disease, anxiety, depression, diabetes, dementia and more all reverse!

It was then he was approached by several practitioners asking him to share what he was doing and so with his wife, Tina, they started a company to help educate the world and help practitioners SAVE MORE LIVES called TRUCHIRO called Brain Based Health Solutions!

It has now been over 10 years and Dr. Clint has helped hundreds of practice owners world wide transform their practices for the better. Not only from a business stand point but also from a patient health results stand point.

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
What if I am unhappy with the course?
We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 30 days and we will give you a full refund.

Get started now!