Over 40% of your population right now SUFFERS WITH ANXIETY! And that is just the total that have been diagnosed, since COVID that actual percentage is much higher. In fact right now many of your current patients are suffering from anxiety at some level.
These people are not only suffering now BUT as time passes they will suffer more. Let me explain.
Anxiety is a sign that the cortex of the brain is degenerating. To paint a picture...it is ROTTING! Actual brain scans show the cortex of the brain shrivels up and starts to shrink. As this continues the brain begins to become exhausted. When the brain becomes exhausted you will see diseases such as Alzheimer's Disease, dementia, Parkinson's Disease and other life ending disease start to emerge.
The research is very clear. Those that have anxiety today are much more likely to end up with dementia later. And medications ARE NOT THE ANSWER. Additional research shows that those on anxiety medication for more than 3 months are 32% more likely to get dementia and those on anxiety meds for 6 months or longer are 82% more likely to suffer from dementia latter on in life.
There has to be a better way...and there IS!
In this course you will learn exactly how to reverse anxiety.
1. We start with sharing the science behind the actual cause of anxiety.
2. We then continue with how to assess it right in your office.
3. Then, based on the assessment findings we then teach you how to care for it.
This program includes not only all of the above but in addition we give you the following:
1. Promotional material. Not only in office but also out of office for social media, lead magnets and more.
2. How to perform an intake including Day 1 intake forms, talking points, and assessment forms.
3. How to give a ROF that makes sense to the patient so they understand exactly what is happening with them.
4. How to develop care plans for each patient based on their assessment.
5. How to charge for the care and what to include in the care.
6. How to track progress or lack of progress and how to change up care if needed.
7. We also include all the research to back up all that is included in the protocol for care.
8. Lastly we include the week by week recommended care for each patient with the opportunity to use our exact system with each of your patients.
Your Instructor
Dr. Clint Steele
Dr. Clint Steele started practice in 1993. His mission was to change the world's health for the better. Unfortunately he was met with a public that just wanted to cover up symptoms instead of actually dealing with and reversing the cause. Although he tried to change people's minds and get them to understand the TRUTH people still just wanted to cover up symptoms. So he dealt with it for 17 years. Never really happy in practice so he "retired" never to return, or so he thought
He set out upon "retirement" to change the world in other ways. He set a goal of performing 1 million acts of kindness in 1 year. He ended up reaching 2.8 million acts of kindness and it was awesome BUT it did not make any money and so he found himself broke and needing to go back to work. Not wanting to go back into practice he started selling Kirby vacuum cleaners door to door. That lasted for about 3 months until he received a letter from his grandmother sharing how she was ashamed of him and how he should be ashamed of himself for not living to his potential. That is when he decided to get back into practice but this time make sure patients "got it". "It" being the TRUTH of disease and the TRUTH of health. He began his practice focused on the brain and nervous system and his practice exploded. Starting with only $1000 to his name and in a 750 sq ft office space, with no advertising, no employees and 100% cash he went from 0 to 500 patient visits a week in 6 months. More importantly however he was seeing amazings things happen including seeing things like IBS, Crohn's disease, anxiety, depression, diabetes, dementia and more all reverse!
It was then he was approached by several practitioners asking him to share what he was doing and so with his wife, Tina, they started a company to help educate the world and help practitioners SAVE MORE LIVES called TRUCHIRO ...now called Brain Based Health Solutions!
Course Curriculum
StartWatch This First If You Have Not Already: Anxiety Relief Protocol Webinar
StartHow To Use This Program: Step By Step Guide
StartAdd An Anxiety Relief Patient Checkout Link
StartDay 1: Training/Intake Forms/Fire Alarm Analogy
StartThe Assessment: Forms and Video Training
StartReport Of Findings: Training/ROF Forms
StartDeveloping A Care Plan: Training/Forms
StartFinancial Packages: Training/Forms
StartImplementing The Care Plan Training/Re-evaluation Form
StartBBHS Wholesale Pricing/Recommended Retail